The curriculum framework offered here is a model for Common Core planning and implementation that can be adapted to K-12 in self-contained or departmental settings.
Adoption of the Common Core State Standards (CCSS) has served as a catalyst for curriculum reform. Effective curriculum planning will likely depend on how well those involved understand what the standards are, what they are not, and how that knowledge best informs instruction.
Simply put, the CCSS for English Language Arts & Literacy in History/Social Studies, Science, and Technical Subjects provide a shared and consistent vision of what students should know and be able to do. They provide guidance for educators and for those who shape the policy to support educational infrastructures.
The standards do not define how teachers should teach, the entire spectrum of instructional content, the nature of advanced work beyond the core, the interventions needed for students who may need them, and the full range of support for English language learners and students with special needs (CCSS, p. 6). An effective curriculum will delineate these areas. Together, standards and curriculum provide a process that includes a shared vision of expectations with multiple pathways for attaining them.
The curriculum framework offered here is a model for planning and implementation that can be adapted to K-12 in self-contained or departmental settings. Curriculum planners will find it helpful to begin by reviewing the key design considerations, stated in the Standards and their implications (CCSS, p. 4). These include:
Ways to Answer Our Questions | Ways to Record and Assess What We Learn | Ways to Share/Report What We Learn |
Determine and access possible sources to investigate questions and hypotheses posed. | Collect and record relevant information. Compare/contrast sources. Evaluate evidence. Summarize;synthesize. | Prepare/present written/oral reports, demonstrations, and combinations of these. |
Link to CCSS Ex. Grade 5. Reading: Draw on information from multiple print or digital sources, demonstrating the ability to locate an answer to a question quickly or to solve a problem efficiently. | Link to CCSS Ex. Grade 5. Reading: Determine two or more main ideas of a text and explain how they are supported by key details; summarize the text. | Link to CCSS Ex. Grade 5. Writing: Write informative/explanatory texts to examine a topic and convey ideas and information clearly. |
Curriculum Planning as Professional Learning and Collaboration. Throughout the planning process, teachers, administrators, and others responsible for curriculum should be involved. In an era of increased attention to educator evaluation, it is important that all involved share the same information and expectations.
Key Instructional Strategies that Support Teaching and Learning Differentiated Instruction . Classroom organization should provide for various aspects of differentiated instruction to accommodate diverse needs. For example: teacher/pupil ratio (whole group, small group, one-to-one) and group constituency (extra or specialized support, advanced level work, focused interests, etc.).
Scaffolded Instruction . Provide guided support for student learning. For example, targeted forms of writing should include teacher modeling and teacher/whole group collaboration before individuals are asked to write independently. Modeling the processes involved in reading complex texts — such as previewing, summarizing , and applying various word recognition strategies for addressing difficult vocabulary and concepts — will help reluctant readers attempt more complex texts, especially when many of these concepts have already been introduced through whole group exposure and discussion.
Use of Technology. The selection and use of technology for whole group, small group, and independent activities should be integrated throughout.
Embed periodic formative assessments throughout. Link to the key CCSS addressed. Make use of assessment constructs currently employed by your state and eventually those that are used by the assessment consortium of which your state is a member, either the Partnership for the Assessment of Readiness for College and Careers (PARCC) or The SMARTER Balanced Assessment Consortium (SMARTER).
In this way, students will benefit from meaningful assessment of their learning relative to the key standards addressed in this inquiry and, at the same time, engage in meaningful preparation for the types of items they will encounter in the future. Track student progress in terms of: (1) the child in relationship to him/herself, (2) the child in relationship to the group; (3) the areas of need/competence across the group as a whole. The first two serve to inform differentiated instruction decisions for individuals and small groups. The third helps to inform needed adjustments to the curriculum.
Dorothy S. Strickland, Ph.D. is a Samuel DeWitt Proctor Professor of Education, Emerita, and a Distinguished Research Fellow, at the National Institute for Early Education Research (NIEER), at Rutgers, The State University of NJ, [email protected].